May 2020


ami chronicles
<b>  How can I speak English? I can understand and write it but could not speak.</b>

How can I speak English? I can understand and write it but could not speak.

<b>How do I gain self confidence daily?</b>

How do I gain self confidence daily?

<b>DAR KE AAGE JEET HAI…………..!!!</b>


<b>Lockdown and kids</b>

Lockdown and kids

<b>" The larger the island of Knowledge The longer the shoreline of wonder"</b>

" The larger the island of Knowledge The longer the shoreline of wonder"

<b>5 Self-Study Tips For Students During Lockdown</b>

5 Self-Study Tips For Students During Lockdown

<b> The Sky is the Limit</b>

The Sky is the Limit

<b>Motivational Talk to do Homework for Students</b>

Motivational Talk to do Homework for Students

<b>How To Improve Spoken English</b>

How To Improve Spoken English

<b> A Good Educator</b>

A Good Educator

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