From the Editor's Pen
Independence promotes confidence, fosters self reliance, teaches motivation and allows us to become good decision makers. Independence is a sense of individuality that empowers us to speak our minds and free ourselves from ignorance. Independence brings great responsibility. It makes us pursue a life’s endeavours peacefully while at the same time being responsible for what we do. After hundreds of years of slavery under the British rule ,India got independence on 15th August 1947. This year we will enter into the 75th year of independence and on 15th August 2022 , India will celebrate its 75th Independence Day. To commemorate the occasion of 75th anniversary of our Independence , our honourable Prime Minister launched “ Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav” on March 12 , to celebrate 91 years of confidence, fosters self reliance, teaches motivation and allows us to become good decision makers.
Independence is a sense of individuality that empowers us to speak our minds and free ourselves from ignorance. Independence brings great responsibility. It makes us pursue a life’s endeavours peacefully while at the same time being responsible for what we do. After hundreds of years of slavery under the British rule ,India got independence on 15th August 1947. This year we will enter into the 75th year of independence and on 15th August 2022 , India will celebrate its 75th Independence Day. To commemorate the occasion of 75th anniversary of our Independence , our honourable Prime Minister launched “ Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav” on March 12 , to celebrate 91 years of Dandi March.
The celebrations of 75th years of independence started 75 weeks before our 75th anniversary and will end on 15th August, 2023.Events on each Friday will mark the beginning of the celebrations which will go on every week for 75 weeks till August 15, 2022. The Archaeological Survey of India identified 16 sites at which programmes will beheld across the country . Prime minister will initiate the year long grand celebrations on 15th august 2021 from the Red Fort.
All central ministries and departments have been asked to identify 10 projects that would be implemented to showcase India’s development, governance, technology reforms, progress and policy. The whole country will celebrate the spirit of the freedom struggle. The Mahotsav is a tribute to India's freedom fighters and freedom .struggle.
It will reflect the feeling of sacrifice for our country. The spirit of freedom struggle and a tribute to the martyrs can be experienced through these celebrations. Various activities have been planned by Department of School education and Literacy and Higher Education under “ Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav”. Recently , the students of our school also participated in the Expression Series – 75 years of India’s Progress.
Inspite of being the second most populated country , India has maintained its democracy so long because our constitutional and institutional structures are very much strong. Today India has self sufficiency in food. Infact it would be better to say that India is a food surplus country. And the credit goes to the Green Revolution held between 1970s - 80s and of course the governments’ policies. Internet has proved to be a major key for India’s economic growth. Internet has reached even the remote places in our country and even rural people are using it. India has become the most valuable market for internet companies.
While the countries like China and Japan could not get success in their first attempt, India reached Mars in its first attempt. Our scientists proved India’s space technology to the world. It’s one of the major achievement s of our country. There are many more others. Through these 75thyears , the progress of India can not be imagined without accepting everyone’s contribution. Now it is to see how the country will reach newer heights in every field till its centenary celebration of Independence.
Happy Independence Day to all !!By - Ms. Poornima Gangele, Staff Editor, AMI
Determination is about the strength of your mind to get going even when a situation does not favor you. The bigger your dreams or goalis, the more you get into trouble. Every problem is a form of challenge and opportunity to grow.
Whenever you feel like falling or when things are not happening as expected, say to yourself, “This may take little longer, but it will happen.”
The famous motivational speaker Danis Waitley said, “Determination gives you the resolve to keep going in spite of the roadblocks that lay before you.”
Remember that the more you can deal with these troubles, the bigger will be rewards that life gives you.Think twice before pursuing any goal. However, once you decide, give it an action. Do not stop thereafter. Small action is enough to keep you on track and motivate you to proceed. Challenges will come to make you stronger. Keep learning and keep going and you will get it one day.
Famous basketball player Michael Jordan once said, “Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.” If you make an excuse once, nature will give you two more reasons to procrastinate. If you take a step, nature will come up with two steps to help you.
So my dear friends, set your goals and determine to chase them no matter what comes your way. You are destined to make your dreams come .
By - Sanya S. Kaurav, Student Editor, AMI

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