From the Editor's Pane
This is the time of great changes. In education too, we see fast changes. The student today is an individual, is a real person with feelings, self respect, sensitivity, responsibility and compassion.They are the wealth of the nation and creators of tomorrow. They have boundless source of energy, capability, zeal, enthusiasm and have the power to mold the destiny of a nation.
We as teachers need to recognize, appreciate, applaud and foster the fine blend of sensibilities in a child. AMI Chronicles is just that. This is a launchpad for the student's creative urges to blossom naturally. This humble initiative is to set the budding minds free allowing them to roam free in the realm of imagination and provide us the best of their creations. AMI Chronicles presents the school spirit through the collective efforts of our children and teachers.
By Neha Agrawal , Staff Editor, Senior Section<
This is the time when every student is excited and happy for two reasons, first they are going to hit the summer vacation and second, the sense of achievment and promotion to next level.
This process hasn’t just occurred overnight , it demanded huge amount of effort and discipline throughout the year especially last two months when not only students but their family members also worked hard to get over the pressure of examination; and this is paid off. Each of us is more knowledgeable and a better human being.
There is a famous saying about human brain; It functions 24 hrs a day from the time we born and only stops when we appear at examination.
Isn’t that true??
The only reason is “un-necessary pressure” that we take during exams. A happy mind is the secret of a good marksheet.
When students are fresh in their next class, my two cents of advice-
Be innovative !
Bring up new ideas,discuss,define,implement.
Don’t stress yourself by competing with others. You just need to make you better than what you are today.
Congratulation and welcome to new session !!
By Poornima Gangele , Staff Editor, Junior Section
Indian Politics

Changing Time

Farewell 12thies-So long FAREWELL,are we to say GOODBYE...

Veena Singh

नव संवत्सर गुडी पडवा



Kid's Corner

Pandora Box
Indian Politics
Indian politics has gone through various transformations in the recent times. With state election done in five states in india, the state of Indian politics has changed completely. With Yogi Adityanath in UP which is the biggest state of India in terms of population, the politics has completely changes . he is taking decisions so quickly that we are forced to think about it. But as long as the changes are in the favour of people we are happy.
With BJP at the center and now after the rajya sabha elections, with BJP in the state as well, we can only suppose that India is going to make progress at a pace much faster than before.
As a youth of the country I really do not agree with the accusations that the opposition throws on BJP that BJP is a non secular government and is working only for Hindus. Till now no such incident has taken place. Further as citizens of India and only a year left when we will come under the right of Universal adult franchise, and will be a significant part of democracy by giving our vote, I believe that we cannot say that we don’t care what happens in politics.
Aman Gupta, 12th B -
Changing Time
“The only thing that is constant is Change” Change is inevitable. The world we live in is not only tremendously more complicated than any of us is aware of. It is going through multiple transformations at an ever accelerating pace.
What is relevant today will be irrelevant in the future. Knowledge is the only key to unlock the future. If we want to make our future “ changeproof”than we ought to be open to the changes.
The engineering jobs for example which are so relevant for a secure future may not even exist in the 2030. The reason being that robots will probably take over all the engineering by that time.
This thing happened earlier in the industrial revolution’s time when millions of people were unemployed due to the introduction of machines and the world suffered a great depression. This is the nature of time. Things have changed in the past for the betterment of people and will continue doing so in future as well.What we can do in such times ? how to evolve a strategy coping with unanticipated events , challenges and crisis.? To survive, we need to embrace changes. Good mentoring and education will make us ready not only to survive a crisis, but also to capitalize on the accelerating changes.
Change is good. Its often hard . the status quo can be so much more comfortable. But to succeed in business , you have to run towards it. This is the fastest changing communication and technology landscape we ‘ve ever been in.
We just have to work in partnership with it keeping an eye on the future and we are ready for the new era.
Neha Agrawal -
Farewell 12thies-So long FAREWELL,are we to say GOODBYE...
It is always very difficult to say goodbye to our near and dear ones. Saying goodbye to any of our friends is always a sad moment for us . But as the saying goes, journey must go on. So is the case of all 12thies .
After spending 14 years of their lives in the same school , where you make friends for a lifetime, where you have learnt the major lessons of life, the teachers whom you always criticized but still will miss the same very teachers in future. The parting with such students is never easy.
This is the time to start a new journey of life. A new journey with new people and new dreams and aspirations. We wish all the very best to all the students for their new journey of life.
Veena Singh
The school year has ended; teachers are recovering and so are students.Board exams are over and now begins the wait for the verdict to be read. It is as much a report of the teacher as it is of the student!
I remember I couldn’t wait for vacation as a student. Yet years later, I regret not thanking some of the teachers for not letting them know how much I appreciated them. Most of my teachers have passed away, and I lost track of many. So now I write a letter to a teacher and their memory on behalf of all my students for all their effort and toil.
Why letters? Because they last. They can be read over and over. They can be passed around and shared. Most importantly, perhaps a son or daughter, or even a grandchild will read them years later and gain a glimpse into the life and work of a family member.
When collected, the letters become the book of a teacher’s life, a tribute to their work as an educator. A collection of letters honors the individual and the legacy of having a teacher in the family.
A letter to teachers who made a difference is a prayer.
Dear students in some cases, you made an academic breakthrough, other times you learned a life lesson, and occasionally you simply needed someone who listened. A teacher may have disciplined and pushed you at a time that you did not appreciate it. You may have been treated with respect; a student only vaguely senses it. It may have been a relationship you benefited from over the years or a single exchange that, only as an adult, you now understood the significance.
My teachers may be gone, writing about them makes me aware of how the best teachers go above and beyond.
They understood every time you had a speech problem. (I once believed the letters “R” and “W” sounded the same and could be used interchangeably.) In the simple thinking of a child, I invented my own alphabet. You kept me after school and drilled me with exercises and speech lessons. Thanks for taking time; it took only a few weeks to straighten me out. But most remarkably, I now realize you also kept another student, after school, too, so I wouldn’t feel singled out and different. Together we all practiced and learned much.
You were a trained classical musician, played with the keyboard and still came out to teach us music. We had an orchestra , how did you tolerate the squeaky sounds, the lack of a beat, the horrid tones and notes we invented? Forget the sharps and flats, we had trouble just starting together with the wave of your baton. Yet you were patient, rarely yelled, and made us believe we really could perform. Only a true teacher could listen to us and hear music.
I never thought of myself as an able student. When I walked into your classroom, little did I realize I’d spend so many years in building a career. Practical, valuable and real! You gave me the confidence to fix things.
I was restless and you fed my quest to be different. You gave me books to read and opened a new world beyond our valley. You encouraged me to explore and see the world as an adult by treating me as an adult.
Teachers everywhere, students remember your work, even if tucked away in memories, in unspoken words, in letters to be written.
नव संवत्सर गुडी पडवा
चैत्र शालिवाहन शके 1939 संवत 2074 भारत का सर्वमान्य विक्रम संवत है, जिसका प्रारंभ चैत्र शुक्ल प्रतिपदा से होता है ब्राहमण पुराण के अनुसार चै़त्र शुक्ल प्रतिपदा को ही ब्रहमा ने सृष्टि का निर्माण किया था इसी दिन से भारत में काल गणना प्रारंभ हुई यथा .
चैत्र मासे जगदब्रहम समग्रे प्रथमेऽहनि
शुक्ल पक्षे समये तु सदा सूर्योदये सति
यह तिथि वसंत ऋतु में आती है जब सृष्टि में सुंदर छटा बिखर जाती है इस दिन पंचाग तैयार होता है महान गणितज्ञ भास्कराचार्य ने इसी दिवस सूर्योदय से सूर्यास्त तक दिन, माह, वर्ष की गणना करते हुए पंचाग रचा इस दिन को गुडी पडवा भी कहते हैं गुडी अर्थात विजय पताका सृष्टि का जन्म दिन
आज ही के दिन श्री राम ने अत्याचारी शासक बाली का वध कर प्रजा को मुक्ति दिलाई थी बाली के अत्याचार से मुक्त प्रजा ने विजय ध्वज फहराकर उत्सव मनाया था, इसलिए नव संवतसर का प्रथम तिथि गुडी पडवा के नाम से जानी जाती है इस दिन बास में नई साडी की गुडी बनाकर ताॅबे या पीतल का लोटा रखकर नीम के पत्ते व बतासों की माला पहनाकर पूजा की जाती है इस दिन नीम के कोमल पत्तों का रसपान किया जाता है, जो जीवन भर स्वस्थ रहने का प्रतीक है
नवबर्ष गुडी पडवा को घर घर में गुडी लगाने का प्रचलन है गुडी पर बतासों की माला पहनाई जाती है बतासे सफेद व मीठे होते है तात्पर्य यह है कि हमारा मन भी बतासे की तरह साफ हो और बोली में बतासे की तरह ही मिठास हो
इस गुडी में समाया है आये हुए नवबर्ष के लिए नया जोष, उत्साह, नयी उम्मीदें, ढेर सारा खुशियाॅ, सुख समृधि, यश, विजय तथा चहुॅ ओर विकास के नये नये आयाम
इस गुडी में समायी है शालीनता, विनम्रता, आदर्श चरित्र और शुध्द विचारों की प्रचुरता ये गुडी जिस बास के डण्डे पर लगी है वह डण्डा है सत्य का प्रतीक तो आज हम सब संकल्प करें कि हम इस आधार स्तंभ सत्य को दृढता पूर्वक धारण कर गुडी की सभी विशेषताआ को अपने अन्त करण में उतारें, धारण करें
Friendship makes friends,
Some are old and some are current.
Today’s time is of lake friends,
But a few are good at present.
Friendship is a good things which is transport,
Friends are people which are different from parents.
Finding good friend is a real art,
We can not find them while driving in the cart.
Friends are most important part of life,
Without friends we can not survive.
Good friends are very rare to find,
But when we find its one of kind.
Best friends stick together till the end,
They are like a straight line that will not fend.
They help you up when you fall,
Your true friends are best of all.
A friend is like gold that you should treasure,
And take care of forever and ever.
Now this is the ending line,
Remember true friends always shine.
Ram Sikarwar, 8th -
Navratri is one of the most wonderful and beautiful festivals of India. Navratri is celebrated by Hindus. It is devoted to Godess Durga symbolizing purity and power or shakti. Navratri defines both the religious and cultural themes. Gujrat is the focus of Navratri celebrations with all night long dance. ‘Garwa’ is a devotional dance form that derives from the folklore of Lord Krishna singing and dancing with the gopis using ‘ dandiya’ or slim wooden sticks.
Festival of Navratri is full of lights and joy. As we all know Navratri means nine nights and so the tenth day, Goddess Durga , who is worshipped throughout the nine days, is immersed in holy water after pooja. The celebration varies from one state to another although the dedication and devotion remains the same all over the India
Pandora Box
A short Poem On Our Amazing School
सुन्दर है मेरी पाठशाला
पढने की है मेरी पाठशाला,
यहाॅ बडी हरियाली है
यहाॅ के पाॅण्ड में पानी है,
फब्बारे है इटालियन गार्डन में
खोते जिनकी आवाजों में,
कमरा है एक गोल हमारा
दिखने में बडा ही प्यारा,
एक मंच भी है यहाॅ
जहाॅ होता कार्यक्रम नया नया
फूलों से सजाया जाता
बच्चों कों बडा ये भाता,
नीचे एक लाइब्रेरी है
जहाॅ पढने की सामग्री है,
मैम्स है यहाॅ ज्ञान की देवियाॅ
सर भी कोई कम नहीं है,
ऐसी है मेरी पाठशाला
ए. एम. आई. शिशु मंदिर है मेरी पाठशाला
Rohita Rahalkar, 12th